Heshmat Pain Management Clinic
Existing web site of Heshmat Pain Management Clinic could not generate concrete traffic to their business, hence Screaming Health proposed a brand new web site with professional feel and look, tuned with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) codes, and heavy social networking to generate much needed traffic and viewership. The new web site will contain all relevant codes for search engines to insert the web site in their database, targeting local search results, and bringing the new web site to higher positions on search results.
Quantum Wellness Center
The web site of Quantum Wellness Center has been online for the past eight years. Traffic to their web site and sales leads generated through their online presence did not practically materialized. Screaming Health is redesigning their web site with a refreshing look and feel that matches the practitioner in the business.
The web site articulates the core business competencies to its online viewers. The new site is custom-designed according to the client's special messaging. It will feature specially-developed Search Engine Optimized (SEO) codes, along with viral social-networking presence and other online marketing campaigns for the business.
Be A Better You
Barry Collova is an entrepreneur who never had a web site of his own, hence he has not been discovered on the Internet. No more! Screaming Health is designing a new web site that will relay “Be A Better You” message to their viewers and prospects. Screaming Health will also establish relevant online marketing campaigns and set up social-networking presence for the web site in order to make sure that online prospects may easily discover the products and service offerings of the business.
Blog Posts
MLM Members in Personal Health Verticals Should Utilize the Internet
August 13, 2009 -
How to Become Discovered via Online Marketing
August 3, 2009 -
Web 2.0 and Business Discovery Online
July 12, 2009